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Saturday, June 14, 2008

How to Make a Log Candle

Thanks Ms. Gilbert for the support and help!

Materials Needed:
Wax, Mold, Double Burner, Wick, Wax Pourer
All items can be substitued with items you have in the home.

The double burner is used to melt the wax. The wax is in the pourer. Water is in the burner. The stove is turned on low. (I use a hotplate because it is somewhat messy.) The water boils and it slowly melts the wax that is in the pourer. When the wax has become liquid put the dye and fragrance in. Make sure you stir to combine the wax, dye, and fragrance.

Get a mold. It can be a long plastic container.

Next, I have pre-made wicks, place them in the container. You can use a little oil to rub on the mold so the candle will not stick when it has cooled.

When the wax has melted, you can add fragrance and color to the wax. Let the wax cool some. Now, pour the wax in the mold.

If you want you can add different layers of wax. I let the first layer cool then I added another layer. This is done to not let the wick faint or fall into the liquid wax. I added three layers of wax, each one a different color and fragrance.

This is the wax cooling within the mold. The wax actually cools from the outside in. You can see the wax gets lighter as it cools.

This is the final result.

These directions should help in making a candle. I really had fun with this assignment. I know I said I will make a movie and I will I just have to build up my confidence.
Someone told me today that I write like I talk. That's curious, but on a lighter note. I have a few candles to make for some friends. I have given candles to some for gifts. I quickly got another order from the gift giving. When I complete the orders for friends I will upload the photos.
I am just going to enjoy the journey. Did I tell you I have a MySpace account? For those that know me, this is a trip. My address is see what I have to say.

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