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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Candles on Consignment

I haven't been here in a long time and it's not due to giving up, but not having anything exciting to post about and having strept throat. I am much better now, but before the sickness got really bad, I contacted a consignment store and there was going to be an opening soon (actually the middle of July). The owner said that if that person moved out sooner she would give me a call. Sooner ending up being the very next day. I was very exciting about being able to display my candles in a public arena. Now, I have candles for sale in the store. It costs $60.00 a month and the money for the store comes out of the sales. That is good, the contract is for 6 months, but if I am not doing well or interested anymore I can give her a months notice and terminate my contract. I haven't been up there or made any candles due to being sick. I am going to start making more candles tomorrow since I feel much better. That was a break through for me. I was so elated. Another step for Betty's Only.


Trish said...

Hello Betty,

Congratulations on your opportunity to display your talents to the public!

Thank you for your recent comment on "begin by loving again"... please check back for more photos and postings.

Love & Blessings to you,


Anonymous said...

Hi, it's Mark from Lone Wolf Photography. Candle making sounds intresting and your candles look very beautiful (I'm sure they smell great too.) Thanks for the comment, you're the first one to comment on my photos. Keep up the good work and keep blogging.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Betty! Much deserved breakthrough! Hope you feel better.

Fernando Portela said...

Hi Betty,
My name is Fernando Portela. I own a wine and liquors store in Miami Florida. I have a business proposition that you might be interested. If you like please send me your contact information. I have a few questions about your candles.

Here is my info:
my store:
Thank you,

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