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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Labels for Betty's Only

There are many things that need to be done and I am working toward handling them.  For instance, I had a meeting with a photographer in reference to taking professional pictures of the candles.  She also wants me to be in a few of the pictures.  I'm shy, in case you didn't know that!  Well, here are a few of the labels that I have made.  They have the name of the candle and the fragrance too.  Things are moving forward for Betty's Only!  The only thing I can do is try.

I have been selling candles.  As a matter of fact, I had to make some for church!  Things are good.  Once I have the photo shoot, I will move toward making a catalog.  I haven't done anything with the website either. As a matter of fact, it's not up or running!  Building Betty's Only is what I'm working on doing.  It's a work in progress, but isn't life just that?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

New Additions

Been working on some additions to Betty's Only.  Sugar scrubs and other products area in the making.  Now with these there has to be labeling too. 

I have the products, but lack the promotion!  Things are always a work in progress!  Have to believe in myself, before anyone else will!

More pictures and products to come!  Plus, I've been selling candles!  Tis the season!  Sold some to Tanisha a life coach I know.  Also, to my line sister for gifts.  Making some for gifts for church and window decorations as well.

Things are happening!  I have to work in promotion!  And doing a craft slow.  I've made $45 in a couple of days and there's still more to come.

It my take sometime, but correct labeling for the candles and the scrubs coming soon.

It's been allow, but thank you for reading!  Suggestions, motivations are always welcome!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Betty's Only's New Brochure

Checking out Vista Prints to see how much it will cost to get these printed.  There is so much that I need to do, but don't seem to want or know how to get it together.  Should have done a craft show so long ago.  I have the website, but haven't done anything with it since I first built it.  No promoting, little selling, no making, nothing.  Do I expect Betty's Only to grow itself?  Or am I just moving at a snails pace because I am lazy, afraid of failure, and trying to act like I don't know what needs to be done to get the ball rolling.  Promotion, promotion, promotion.  There's a need for my product, and I do believe in it.  All that needs to be done is time and effort being put into the business.  I can say that all day, but until it is actually done.  Nothing will happen or work.  There are orders to be filled, misunderstandings pertaining to orders, the whole nine.  

I want Betty's Only to be so much more than it is today.  The sad part is I know it can work.  Enough of my going on and on, below is the new brochure as I stated before.  Now to do something.  

For the next few months, I will make holiday candles and baskets.  In a previous post, I started to make scrubs with essential oils that's an aspect that I will do well for Betty's Only.  Stick with me don't give up on me.  Better yet, don't give up on myself.  What I've realized is when it's time, it's time and things will be as they should.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Additions

Been doing much thinking here as of late!  That is a good thing.  As you know, I've been procrastinating in many areas of my life and Betty's Only is one of them.  I am shy to a certain extent and don't want to put forth the efforts to promote as needed.  All of that stops now. 

Make my own fragrances and name them after jewels.  Have at least 10 specific fragrances that are a mixture of the ones I have.  This will allow for endless possibilities.  Now to mix and remember what the mixtures are.  I will start with 26 jewel names and that will be the fragrances that will go with the candles.  No more nameless fragrances. 

Body Scrubs
I made a body scrub out of sugar, lavender essential oil, food color, and almond oil.  Very basic, but the end result is outstanding.  Looking into selling that too.  That is something different.

Now that I have the fragrances, there has to be labels made for the candles and body scrub.  I know how they will look and when it's designed I will give you an example.

Really excited about the new things on the horizon for the company.  Betty's Only will be alright.  I have to put forth the effort to be successful! 

Thank you for all of the growth and support, plus the belief in my products!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Candles for the Recital

I felt bad for posting without any pictures.  Reading, I know, but I love it!  My point, here are some pictures of many of the candles going to the show.  Plus, I posted it on Facebook and I never promote myself!  That's too much, too much pressure! 

Now, continue to make the candles.  Been thinking about stepping out and introducing other products.  Will have to wait and see.

With the candles, they have packaging, there's always room for improvement.

Personalized gift bags
Website functioning like it should
labels for jars
100 brochures

Continue to do right by the business and have fun while I do it.  Have at minimum 50 candles at all times.  Never know when someone will need some. 

Moving Toward Good Things

Started building, my website for Betty's Only A Candle Company.  Things have been moving forward.  Selling candles for random occasions is always good.  The website isn't completed, but is up and running.  No, I haven't had a purchase via Betty's Only, but am looking forward to the first one.

I paid $85.00 to participate in two events here in the city, and messed one.  I had a meeting and didn't prepare so I didn't do it.  I didn't give myself an opportunity to get upset with myself, because ultimately, it was my fault.  It's better to prepare than not.

Friday, May 17, Passion Works Dance Academy will host there dance recital and at that event I will be selling Betty's Only candles.  So nervous, or embarrassed about this.  A friend of mine is going to sit with me while I participate in this event.

There are a few things that I need to purchase before Friday's show.

Table clothes to display Betty's Only candles on the table.  Table without coverage will look so bland.
Tape to hold the banner
gift bags

I believe that I have 50 plus candles.  Tonight, I will sort out the total number per type of candle and the amount that I can make off of them.  That will be my second time selling them at one of her events and period in a setting as such.  Will get there early to set up and wait for the crowd.  Going to stay because at the end, she wants to introduce me to the audience.  Very, very shy I am, but looking forward to this event!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Wedding is Over

Finished the wedding candles.  They were picked up this past Friday evening.  I am very appreciative for being afforded the opportunity to make them for that event.  That makes my second one.  I made heart floaters, V-lites, and the favors for the reception.  Good job!

Now, I am making candles that are just random.  No order, colors that may not match, jewels, or different colors may be in them.  I just enjoy making candles, it gives me peace and I love to see the finally product. 

Also, working on the website using  Need to take pictues of all candles and put for sell on the site.  There's an opportunity to sell some candles at an event.  Trying to have at least 75-100 candles to sell. 

Wonder where to find custom made bags.  If I get the bags and have my logo printed on them.  That would be another way to promote the business. 

Making some progress with Betty's Only, not continue to order my steps and Betty's Only will continue grow. 

Thank you for reading!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Betty's Only A Candle Company Supports Passion Works Dance Academy

Betty's Only A Candle Company supports Passion Works Dance Academy

Currently, Betty's Only A Candle Company is creating a website to support the business.  This video is to support Passion Works Dance Academy, half of the proceeds will go to Betty's Only and the other half to Passion Works.  Thank you, Tamela Thompson!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Random Things are always Happening

Candle making has been coming along well.  Really haven't stopped making them.  Since I made them for the dance team, I have been getting orders.  I made several candles for Passion Works Dance Academy and Fort Service Learning's Dance Team, thank you Ms. Tamela Thompson.  I do appreciate you trusting in Betty's Only A Candle Company.  From those order, I am making candles for a wedding.  Floaters, potpourri burners, and votives in navy and gold.  I'm excited about this wedding, this is the first once since I made them for a friend so many years ago.  Then the other day, a friend contacted me because she burned the ones I gave her as a gift, she purchased some too.  I also was contacted via email because I posted some on Craigs List.  She's interesed in Betty's Only A Candle Company and lives close by.  Her interest are in tarts, I make the candle burner's, will check to see if they are the same. 

My mother helps me too, she's always getting some from me for gifts and she gets orders too.  For that I'm very appreciative. 

Since I've been basically making orders, I haven't been just making candles.  You know the ones that are in no specific design just something that came together.  I truly love to make candles like that, the colors don't match and the fragrance doesn't necessarily do with the colors.  I love it!  She also asked about me having a boothe which I have never done that ever.  So there are somethings that need to be addressed.  I did make a banner for that purpose, but have yet to use it.  Making a brochure is the next thing and continuing to make beautiful, fragrant, hand crafted candles.  Or just printing the one that I have. 

Things are moving in the right direction for Betty's Only, now just to be more open with the product.  Push my Etsy site and continue to make the product better.  It seems, promotion is the key.  Make it consistent.  There are things that I need in order to do better:

Bags with logo
business cards
do a craft show, have enough candles all different

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