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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Candles on Consignment

I haven't been here in a long time and it's not due to giving up, but not having anything exciting to post about and having strept throat. I am much better now, but before the sickness got really bad, I contacted a consignment store and there was going to be an opening soon (actually the middle of July). The owner said that if that person moved out sooner she would give me a call. Sooner ending up being the very next day. I was very exciting about being able to display my candles in a public arena. Now, I have candles for sale in the store. It costs $60.00 a month and the money for the store comes out of the sales. That is good, the contract is for 6 months, but if I am not doing well or interested anymore I can give her a months notice and terminate my contract. I haven't been up there or made any candles due to being sick. I am going to start making more candles tomorrow since I feel much better. That was a break through for me. I was so elated. Another step for Betty's Only.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

How to Make a Log Candle

Thanks Ms. Gilbert for the support and help!

Materials Needed:
Wax, Mold, Double Burner, Wick, Wax Pourer
All items can be substitued with items you have in the home.

The double burner is used to melt the wax. The wax is in the pourer. Water is in the burner. The stove is turned on low. (I use a hotplate because it is somewhat messy.) The water boils and it slowly melts the wax that is in the pourer. When the wax has become liquid put the dye and fragrance in. Make sure you stir to combine the wax, dye, and fragrance.

Get a mold. It can be a long plastic container.

Next, I have pre-made wicks, place them in the container. You can use a little oil to rub on the mold so the candle will not stick when it has cooled.

When the wax has melted, you can add fragrance and color to the wax. Let the wax cool some. Now, pour the wax in the mold.

If you want you can add different layers of wax. I let the first layer cool then I added another layer. This is done to not let the wick faint or fall into the liquid wax. I added three layers of wax, each one a different color and fragrance.

This is the wax cooling within the mold. The wax actually cools from the outside in. You can see the wax gets lighter as it cools.

This is the final result.

These directions should help in making a candle. I really had fun with this assignment. I know I said I will make a movie and I will I just have to build up my confidence.
Someone told me today that I write like I talk. That's curious, but on a lighter note. I have a few candles to make for some friends. I have given candles to some for gifts. I quickly got another order from the gift giving. When I complete the orders for friends I will upload the photos.
I am just going to enjoy the journey. Did I tell you I have a MySpace account? For those that know me, this is a trip. My address is see what I have to say.

Friday, June 13, 2008

How Can I Sale My Candles?

I have over $300 in candles and I don't know a quick way to sell them. Some I have had for a while and others where just made a few days ago. I am somewhat at wits end. I have uploaded more and more to Etsy, but still now orders. I have been added as others favorites on Etsy. This is a step in the right direction. The people that add me as their favorite will likely purchase from me.

I have been taking pictures and working on that. I have also been searching candle, candle blogs, and candle making websites. Some have not been updated for a few years and others are building daily. I think taht I am not good with this tag thing. On stumble upon someone else other then me liked one of my sites. That is great! I also stumbled candle sites. I looked around to see what they had to offer. Actually, I am learning much about the industry. It takes money to make money and I am almost there. Think of where I see myself and build toward that goal.

This journey will be fun. I forgot that I got a myspace page. What is that about?

If you can give me some ideas to sell my products to the public please let me know! Actually, I may need more candles and candle accessories. I thought about Christmas in July. Let's see about that!

Betty's Only Collage

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Road to Success

The road to success seems to be hard and somewhat discouraging. I have been trying and honestly I have, but it seems to no reason. Still no sales on Etsy. The time has passed because I have complete all of the orders that I had to make. I take that back, I have to make some candles for a friends home. The colors are white, orange, and brown. I have to get on those ASAP. I want to sell to people that don't know me, don't get me wrong because selling candles to anyone is always great, but to sell to those that don't know you is a horse of a different color. I don't want to sound desperate, but I want this thing to take off and I know I have to put forth the effort, but what will it take? It seems daily I put forth an effort and it doesn't amount to anything. Something is all I ask for, that is all.

Yesterday, I was filmed making a candle. I thought that I didn't record me, the sound actually played once it was uploaded to the computer. The video was crazy, the materials that I use daily I couldn't recall the names of them. It made since, but I could see the mistakes on my face. Everyone is not for video and I think I may be one of those. What I will do is make a script and go through the motion of making a candle. I will upload that and then there will be a face to Betty's Only. I am somewhat apprehensive about that, but that is one of the necessary things. I may not be ready, but at least that we people can see that this is for real and not someone trying to get over on others. I am a young lady promoting her candle business. The funny thing about that is it has been in existence for a long time and now I am just getting in the swing of building and getting the name out to others.

Betty's Only

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Betty's Only

What did I do Today?

I really didn't do much today, but I did make a small movie. How about that, but I don't know how to make the volume on the camera work. The movie really wasn't that good, but at least I made it. There isn't any sound on it and the camera says that it records with sound. I am not going to put it on this site because I need to work on making it better.

The bridal shower was today and the guests loved the favors. That makes me feel good. Someone else has a candle from my company. She said that she has had it for a long time and she hasn't used it. I did a favors for a baby shower a few years ago and people said they put them in their closet or just had them out and they still smell good. All of that let's me know that my products are decent enough to let the world know about them.

Sometimes I am apprehensive about my company, but other times, I have motivation and determination to get this thing going. I think that I sound like a broken record, but I am being honest. There are days when I know I can do anything that I put my mind too. But other days I don't want to do anything, but lay on the floor. That is not a good thing to get the company going. As I stated in a previous past, I am my worst enemy and I can not be afraid of success. It takes money to make money and I have to invest in myself.

Tomorrow, I will upload 5 candles to Etsy and see what happens. I will not give up. I have not been doing the things that I said, but at least I have made some progress. Right a little is better then none, right?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Things are Still Going

I know I haven't been here in a while and I know this is not a good way to get readers to my blog. I have been out of town for the last few days and haven't been working on anything, but my sanity. I have completed all of the candles. The candle burners for the bridal shower, my mother's candles, and the V-Lite Samplers for my friends grandmother and aunt. Altogether those candles were worth $86.00. Go Betty's Only! Still no sales on Etsy. I have purchased a showcase on Etsy for Father's Day. We will see how that goes. The candle that I had to mail out for the winner of Today's Woman Writing Community should be there soon. That was a great way for me to promote my business. Thank you Rose!

I made many promises to this site and honestly, I haven't lived up to all of them. I may just have to cancel the professional pictures due to financial issues. I will have to see about that.

Betty's Only A Candle Company has made much progress over the last few months and I owe it all to my motivation and determination to get this thing off to a good start. I will work on making a movie on how to create a candle. Something basic, but interesting to get my name out there. I also have not been posting on other sites either. I will get on that as soon as I finish writing. To be honest this is a great way to see the growth and what I haven't done, but needs to do to get this thing going.

What I will say about Betty's Only A Candle Company is that my clients really love the candles. Also, many come back for more. What I am told is the fragrance is strong enough not to light them. Many people give them as gifts, favors, or use them as decoration. All of the candles I use them to see how they will work and to make sure that they work right before I actually sale them to anyone.

I will do better, not for you, but for Betty's Only A Candle Company, because if I don't push no one else will.

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