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Friday, November 11, 2011

And It Begins Again

Settled to some extents and I am starting to make candles again.  I am somewhat excited and looking forward to the next steps in Betty's Only.  There have been many changes in my life and it is time to be still.  I have decided to really do something with this.  Nothing beats a failure, but a try.  So here it goes again.  Over time, many people of been asking for candles, but I wasn't in a place to do anything. 

The beginning of the month someone asked for 4 boxes of the 25 candles.  Also, my mom box 30 of them @ $3.  I didn't realize I had so many in stock.  Still haven't come up with label ideas, but I have many match books.  What I am thinking is to sell the candle with the match book and that can be the label.  I am excited about making them again and I want to thank my friends that believe in my candle making!  Let's see where I can take this.  I will post pictures of the new candles. 

Another thing about Betty's Only Candles is that they are mixed with a variety of fragrances.  The hard part is keeping up with the mixture and coming up with a name for the candle.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Making Candles

Making candles, have been on and off for a few months.  There is a market on Saturdays here in the city, been thinking about getting a table.  Have to invest in self in order to make some cash.  I don't know how much the tables cost, but I can find out.  Below are the things I need to do in order to make this work.

banner with logo
Find out how much booth costs
Make up candle baskets

Let's see if I can make this work.  I also need to see what and how I can make a candle website for the candles that I have on stock. 

Noticed I may be afraid of success and this is filtering into many aspects of my life.  There has to be something done for this to stop.  Be back soon, will try not to stay away so long.  Neglecting something that I am passionate about.  I came up with a phrase for the company, I have to find it.  Cheers!

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