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Monday, September 2, 2013

Betty's Only's New Brochure

Checking out Vista Prints to see how much it will cost to get these printed.  There is so much that I need to do, but don't seem to want or know how to get it together.  Should have done a craft show so long ago.  I have the website, but haven't done anything with it since I first built it.  No promoting, little selling, no making, nothing.  Do I expect Betty's Only to grow itself?  Or am I just moving at a snails pace because I am lazy, afraid of failure, and trying to act like I don't know what needs to be done to get the ball rolling.  Promotion, promotion, promotion.  There's a need for my product, and I do believe in it.  All that needs to be done is time and effort being put into the business.  I can say that all day, but until it is actually done.  Nothing will happen or work.  There are orders to be filled, misunderstandings pertaining to orders, the whole nine.  

I want Betty's Only to be so much more than it is today.  The sad part is I know it can work.  Enough of my going on and on, below is the new brochure as I stated before.  Now to do something.  

For the next few months, I will make holiday candles and baskets.  In a previous post, I started to make scrubs with essential oils that's an aspect that I will do well for Betty's Only.  Stick with me don't give up on me.  Better yet, don't give up on myself.  What I've realized is when it's time, it's time and things will be as they should.  

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